forever frenz.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hi Everyone,

The Singapore Kindness Movement has designated April as the month of kindness. Well, we are coming to the end of April. What acts of kindness have you done? For this week, I would like you to reflect on 'kindness'. To get some ideas, you might want to visit the website of the Singapore Kindness Movement at :

Here are some questions to help you get your journal writing going:

1. What do you mean by 'kindness'?

2. Is it important for people to be kind? Why?

3. How can people show their kindness?

4. Could you describe an act of kindness which you have done?

5. How did you feel after doing that act of kindness?

6. What other act/s of kindness would you like to do either in school, at home or in the community?

7. How can you yourself promote the message of kindness to your friends?

I am looking forward to reading your reflection.

Mr Ng

-------------------------------------------------------My Reflections-------------------------------------------------------------------

Q1)Kindness means to be good to the people around you

Q2)Yes,or the world will be chaotic

Q3)Help people that are less fortunate than them

Q4)I have help an old woman to get across the road

Q5)I felt very happy

Q6)I can help people around my by giving them a touch of hope

Q7)I can put up news on kindness

11:08 AM sprinklinq love Y

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dear students,"Do you know that 22nd April is Earth Day? So what is Earth Day? If you want to know more, go to this link Read as much as you can about what people in other parts of the world do on that day. Then reflect on what Earth Day means to you.Here are some questions to guide you:
1. Is Earth Day important to you? Why?

2. What do you understand by the phrase "save the Earth"?

3. Why do you think it is important to recycle, reuse and reduce?

4. What can you do to save the Earth?

5. Can you suggest an activity which you and your family will do for "Earth Day"

Best regards,
Mr Ng
--------------------------------My Reflections--------------------------------------------------
1) Yes, earth day is very important to me because it saves mother earth !!!!

2) it means stop wasting !

3) it helps to save the earth

4) i can start a recycling proggram in class

5) we can off our house-hold eletricity for an hour or two

11:03 AM sprinklinq love Y

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hi Everyone,
For this year, the International Friendship Day focussed on friendship within ASEAN. Making friends among the countries of ASEAN is important as they are our closest neighbours. For this week, we will reflect on friendship among the people of ASEAN. To help you with your journal writing, I have listed some questions below:
'1. Why do we celebrate International Friendship Day?
2. Do you know how International Friendship Day come about?
3. What does ASEAN stand for?
4. Do you know a lot about ASEAN? Try this game at this website: is your knowledge about ASEAN?
5. Do you like the activities organised by the school on International Friendship Day? If not, Why? If 'yes', why?
6. Do you have any friend/s in the ASEAN countries? Tell us how you get to know him/her.
7. What activities do you think the school should organise to help pupils develop friendship with the ASEAN countries?
I hope to read your reflection soon.Mr Ng
---------------------------------------------------------My Reflections-------------------------------------------------------------------
Q1) We celebrate international friendship day to gather every member countries in the ASEAN.

Q2) Many different nations people started talking about it.

Q3) It stands for :Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

Q4) I do not really konw much about ASEAN.

Q5) Yes, we P5 this year did bookmarks and mine is even showed at the board.

Q6) I have no friend(s) at the ASEAN country

Q7) The school should organise more of such theme proggrame

11:28 AM sprinklinq love Y

Hi Everyone,

Last week, Mrs Nam spoke about the loss of things during CCA in the school. She invited the CCA leaders to come up with suggestions to solve the problem. For this week, I would like everyone to think of ways of improving our school. This could be the improvement in physical facilities such as the field, toilets, classroom, canteen, library, art room, computer lab and other facilities or the people who provided services to you such as the office personnel, teachers, book shop lady, school bus drivers and even the cleaners. In short, you can think of any aspects of the school that needs to improve so that the lives of pupils will be better. To help you, I have listed some questions below:

1. Which aspect/s of the school do you like very much? Why?

2. Which aspect/s of the school do you think you dislike? Why?

3. What do you think can be done to improve it/them?

4. What other areas of the school should be improved?

5. How can pupils help in the improvement of the school?

These questions are just a guide to help you start writing. You are free to to give your own opinions and suggestions..

I hope to read your suggestions soon.
Mr Ng

-----------------------------------------------My Relfections----------------------------------

Q1) I like the IT cafe area the most.

Q2) I dislike the spiral staircase corner the most.

Q3) The school can block the spiral staircase corner.

Q4) The other area that the school should improve is the school should build one fitness corner with air-con (it should look like the gym)

Q5) We can start a recycling proggrame and every time we recycle, we will help our class earn a star then, at the end of the term, the class with the highest amount of stars win

11:26 AM sprinklinq love Y

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Hi Everyone,We have to eat in order to have the energy to perform our daily tasks and to enjoy the many beautiful things in this world. However, do we really know what to eat so that we can be healthy? Many diseases are associated with unhealthy eating. Hence, it is important to know what to eat so that we will not be victims of such diseases. For this week's journal writing, I would like you to discuss and reflect on healthy eating. To help you, I have listed some questions below:

1. What do you have to eat in order to be healthy?

2. What are some of the unhealthy food adults and children like to eat?

3. Why is important to eat healthily?

4. What are some of the diseases associated with eating unhealthy food?

5. What are the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables?

6. Do you like to eat fruits and vegetables? Why?

7. Do you support the school's campaign in encouraging pupils to eat more fruits and vegetables? Why?

8. What activities can you suggest to encourage children to eat more vegetables and fruits?As usual, I look forward to reading your reflection of healthy eating.


Mr Ng

-------------------------------------------Relfections------------------------------------------- Hi Mr Ng
Today I am going to tell you more about healthy living

Q1)We have to eat a balance meal in order to stay healthy

Q2)Potatoe chips

Q3)It is important to stay healthy because we might get fat easily

Q4)Heart Attack and Diabetes

Q5)We gain more Vitamin C,B,A,D and nutrients

Q6)yes i like eating fruits and vegetables because it keeps me fit and healthy

Q7)yes because this activity is about the difference between the two types of food

Q8)We can organise activity such as class room salad making

Written by :

Seat Mun Kit P5.5 (8)

copyright all rights reserved


11:18 AM sprinklinq love Y

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